Saturday, February 14, 2009

Snow Pictures

Have you every tried to get some really good snow pictures?

I don't get a lot of snow where I live so I must travel to find enough snow for my pictures. The problem with needing to travel to get snow pictures is it can be rather difficult. It is a matter of timing and knowing where to find snow. It seems everytime there is snow forcasted nearby I am tied up with something else and I can not get away to take pictures. Then when I am free to travel to the nearest snow, I get there and the snow is melted or there is not enough to get any real interesting shots.

When I was up north visiting recently I did encounter plenty of snow. I had some fantastic fresh deep snow to work with. The problem was a matter of getting outside to get the photos. I had not come prepared for snow. I had my camera but I didn't have the proper transportation. You just can not drive on snow covered roads with a sports car. Rear wheel drive and a ground clearance of about 4 inches just doesn't get you very far in the snow.

It looks like the winter is almost over and I really have gotten only a very few snow pictures this year. Each year I vow I will do better and capture some great snow photos but each year I only get a very few.


Anonymous said...

What camera do you shoot with? I live in utah and in the winter my nikon D90 gets really sluggish in the cold. But snow really does make for some nice contrasty pictures. You should come see my utah wedding photography website that explains how to turn your talents into a business through some effective marketing online. I'm trying to let people know that it is possible to market effectively with little or no money, because most photographers lose all their money on equipment

bbug said...

Jesse, I use a Sony
A700 DSLR, I don't have any sluggishness until the temps get really low. Most of the snow pictures I take are at the warmer end of the scale as the snow is sticky. When it is warmer the snow sticks to everything and makes for better pics.