Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Found My Hummingbird

I have determined the reason I could not find my hummingbirds. I was not getting up early enough to see them.

I got up 3 days in a row just as the sun was coming up and all 3 days as I sat looking out the window at my kitchen table I saw my hummingbird!

I guess all this time I just wasn't early enough to see them.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Where Are My Hummingbirds?

I just can not get a hummingbird to come to my flowers this year. I planted some red flowers that were guaranteed to attract hummingbirds months ago. The flowers have thrived, they look great, but not one hummingbird has been seen!

Last year we had numerous hummingbirds flying about the red flowers and the hanging feeder we had on the deck. I don't know what is wrong this year, I wish someone could tell how to get them back again, I want to take more pictures.